Title of the article The procedural activity of the public prosecutor in the course of disclosing materials to the other party
PhD student in the National Academy of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine, candidate of legal sciences, senior research scientists, sapin_napu@ukr.net
Journal Scientific theoretical and practical journal
“Journal of the National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine”
Issue 2’2016
Pages [89–93]
Abstract The article is devoted to the research of the topical issues related to the peculiarities of the procedural activity of the public prosecutor in the course of disclosing materials to the other party. The peculiarities of the practical application of the CPC provisions in the course of disclosing materials to the other party are considered. The author suggests the ways to improve the legislative basis of the procedural activity of the public prosecutor maintenance in the course of disclosing materials to the other party in the criminal proceeding.
Keywords public prosecutor; procedural activity; pre-trial investigation; completion of the pre-trial investigation; disclosing materials to the other party.
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